Tuesday, 29 October 2013

ADA Signs: To meet the needs of the disabled

Posting ADA signs in and around an establishment is not done merely to comply with the rules set by authorities. Companies genuinely use such graphics to assist disabled people find their way around an establishment quickly and without the assistance of others. Irrespective of what the disability is, these signs are there for the benefit of others.

Who are these signs for?

Apart from the visually impaired, such signs are also put up to help people with physical handicaps. ADA signs are displayed to help show the disabled where accessibility options such as elevators and ramps are located. Graphics with pictures showing accessible ramps, elevators, and even bathrooms for the wheelchair bound are installed to assist these people find what they need to make things easier for them.


There are several requirements that ADA signs must fulfill to be compliant. All requirements intend to make these signs beneficial and usable to the people that are dependent on gaining helpful information from them.
To ensure the signs are ADA compliant, they should not be created on a reflective surface. Individuals who suffer from visual impairments struggle with reflective signs. ADA signs should also utilize high contrast between the lettering and the background. Till there is proper contrast between the foreground and background an ADA sign can have almost any color.
For brail signs to be useful they need to be sixty inches from the floor and have to be accessible from three inches of the person, so that they can feel the sign easily.

Color Contrast:

Few of the combinations that can be seen on ADA compliant signs include, white on black, white on blue, black on gray and black on white. Such colors might seem a little boring, if one really thinks about it, and with so many people choosing these color combinations for their signs, it is quite natural to assume that these are the only signs that are acceptable when it comes to color contrasts used for ADA signs.
The truth is, there are a variety of colors that are pleasing and acceptable to use for ADA signs. Combinations that comply with ADA guidelines and can be opted for include, white on dark brown, black on matte gold, ash on black, black on parchment, to mention quite a few. In reality, there are mainly forty nine color combinations that can be utilized on signs. Other options might vary from state to state.

Creating Artistic ADA Signs:

There are several states that insist on using internationally recognizable pictograms as signs. While this may restrict one’s options there are other workarounds to such issues. All one needs to do is think imaginatively and find out ways to incorporate the artistic side without getting in trouble with the law.

Here are some ideas that can be used:

Painting artistic designs on the wall – owners can actually paint images next to the doorway of the ladies' and men's room. They can choose to use funny drawings, silhouettes, and even figures while the ADA compliant signs can be posted on the door to comply with the law.
Post funny signs - as ADA compliant signs need to be posted at a certain height, one can play around with these graphics a little. Owners can choose to use rustic looking signs, or give a different texture to the wall itself.
It’s best to hire a good sign making company to handle ADA sign requirements.  There are several providers in and around California that can create creative ADA signs by using state of the art machinery and material.

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