You know how important signs are in
getting your customers to the checkout counters of your store. That is
why you have ensured that they say what you want. But is that really
what you need? Isn’t it more important that your signs tell customers
what they want? The aim of a sign is to provide information and motivate
purchases. To do that effectively, it must be customer friendly, not
store management friendly. Here are a few tips on making your retail
signs more effective and communicative.
Keep to the Point
live in the age of Twitter where everything has to be conveyed in 140
characters. Novels are being written in texting language. Attention
spans are getting shorter all the time. Customers are often in a hurry,
and they want information as quickly and concisely as possible. Respect
that and use signs to give them the information they want in the way
they want it.
Make It Easy To Read
fonts with curly-cues and flourishes may look attractive and
sophisticated. But you don’t want a customer to say “That’s a nice sign”
and move on. The first objective is always to convey information that
leads to a purchase: fancy lettering and colors can be distractive. Add
extra touches to your signs only if these do not affect the main
Give Reasons to Buy
purchase has a reason behind it. It could be a grooming aid to improve
appearance. It may be a gift for an important date to please, or a
reward for a child who got good grades. You know your business and you
know your customers. Make it easier for them to buy by giving them
compelling reasons - for example “Get the latest look with this!”
Relate To Your Customers
A customer buys after visualizing how they would be using the product. Consider these two signs:
- Straighten curly hair with XXXX.
- Use XXXX to straighten your curly hair.
one relates more to the customer? Which one makes him think about how
using the product will benefit him? It is the second one. Use
expressions like “you”, “your”, “for you and your family” and so on,
directly engaging them.
Use Images
and social media like Twitter have made the use of emoticons an
integral part of modern communication. A picture may not be worth a
thousand words, but it is worth a dozen. With limited space on your
signs and customer’s attention span itself limited, use effective images
to convey emotions. Your sign could say “Buying XXXX will make you
happy.” Or you could use instead a smiley face. Which one saves space
and has a more positive impact?
The best way to get signs that work for you is to use the services of a signage professional. Tell him what you need the sign to do. Give him the specialized inputs about your business and customers that only you have. He can then combine his skills with your knowledge to give you the right signs that will work, and keep your checkout counters always busy.