Thursday, 27 February 2014

Illuminated Signs for Business

In the world of business, companies that attract the most consumers survive and grow while the others struggle and ultimately fail. Hence, a big chunk of the time and money has to be spent on advertising. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of the total income can be allotted for attracting customers. So the question is- how can companies make the best use of their available advertising money?

Illuminated signs for your marketing needs:

If your business is not as big as Adidas or Nike, then money is as limited as your options. Television, magazine, and full page newspaper advertising is likely to be out of the realm of possibility, at least during the initial years. Illuminated signs, in such situations, are a great solution for attracting consumers. These graphics are back-lit to make the message more obvious and can be created in any size or shape. Businesses can also go for individual letter signs that spell the company’s name on the building’s side. This is one investment that can last for several years, making it highly cost-effective. Another advantage of these signs is that they are light weight. Hence, can be suspended and moved from one location to another with ease. Additionally, the messages can also be replaced without having to buy a new sign all together.

What to look for when designing illuminate signs:

If you’re planning to invest in new illuminated signs to market your business, it is very important to get them created by a professional. These signs are highly effective in attracting new customers, and the more time you spend in looking into some of the different providers that offer such work in your area the better. Listed below are 3 must know facts that all buyers should be aware of before investing in one of these items.

Design: the fonts, design and the colors used for creating illuminated signs will affect the final result drastically. When created properly, these graphics can look professional and elegant. However, when created badly the signs can look tacky. Therefore, during the stage of designing, make sure you are very specific with the fonts, colors, design and images of the chosen signage.

Shapes and sizes: Illuminated signs or light box signs are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. One of the most common signs is the LED signs made out of aluminum back tray with fluorescent or LED lighting. They also feature face panels created with acrylic materials or flexible flexi face system. One of the benefits of using flexi face systems is that they permit any sized area to be shown with the use of a single metal piece.

Go for quality: Illuminated signs are available in several different qualities. When buying LED signs it’s a good idea to go for the best quality. The main reason is that good quality graphics are durable which means they will last longer. Secondly, good quality signs will look more elegant and will attract the right kind of crowd. Buyers must also note that there are several sellers and retailers who create personalized signs. These providers normally operate via the internet and offer light box signs in various thicknesses. Interested buyers should visit the seller's website and get a quote.

Bottom line is, to attract consumers economically and with class, there is no better way than illuminated signs. Moreover, if you want to direct clientele inside the store to the higher profit areas then consider illuminated signs to be the right medium for the job. It is by far the best affordable advertising you can have, next to word of mouth.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

A-frame displays for effective Advertising

If you run a business then you certainly understand the importance of signs. Signs are tools used for advertising your products and services in the market. You may have good clients and people might know you by name but if you’re only confined to a small region then you require something extra to sell your services beyond where your business originated.


Two identical beams are arranged at forty five degree angle and are fixed at the top. The structure formed is popularly called an A-frame.

or triangle frames are available in a variety of different materials. They can be made of plastic, steel, wood or aluminum. Due to their structure, these signs have good stability and are one of the most popular ways to advertise a business. They also come with several benefits. For instance, they are extremely easy to move from one location to the other. They can also fold down for easy storage. Apart from this, these signs grab a lot of attention from customers and potential clients. They can be two sided or one sided as desired by the business owner.

Types of A-frames:

A-frames are extremely economical and have several different types. For instance,

Chalkboard signs

Chalkboard signs consist of black board surfaces that can be used for writing. These signs work best in places such as coffee shops to display specials and menu items. In fact, owners can scribble in messages throughout the day using colored chalks. Chalkboards have several different types such as, porcelain magnetic signs that can be used to display decorative magnets and messages to make the display look more attractive.

A Dry Erase Board

A dry erase board A-frame utilizes colored markers. The messages are written on the designed area and can be replaced as many times as needed. These signs can have lunch specials, breakfast specials, and dinner specials written on them throughout the day. Apart from this, they can also be used in a variety of other ways to attract passersby. For instance, the owner can use them to display sales and other discounts. These boards draw attention and help owners offer different information whenever needed, making them cost effective.

One of the best ways to use these signs is to make them double sided. One sided signs limit the visibility and viewers of the message. If A-frames are double sided they add to the number of people who will see them. In fact when A-frames are double sided then people have better opportunity to read the message, which ensures better business for the owner.

Most people do not visit every lane when shopping or looking to eat out and if your business is located in the interiors then A-frames should be used to advertise your business. These signs can be designed to be self-explanatory so that customers get attracted towards what is offered. The frames can also be put on pavements so that people driving through can look and notice the business. The information provided on them should be short but impressive.

The best way to come up with great signs is to hire expert sign makers. Most such companies have a team of designers that recommend everything from color combinations to style, etc. There are numerous companies in California that offer great sign making services at reasonable prices. One of the best ways to learn about them is to look online. Most providers have websites displaying their previous work, client reviews, products and services. You can always call them for consultation or visit their physical address to know how they actually operate.